Scott McClure

You should give your knife a few passes on a honing rod a few times, each time you use it. Most people bring their knives to me once a year, and a few bring them twice a year.

It ranges from about $1/inch to $2/inch. I normally charge $3 for small knives, $5 for medium-sized knives, and most Chef knives for $8. Small chips are an extra $2, broken tips about $5.

When it comes to sharpening knives, many see this as a dangerous, risky process. After all, not everyone knows how to use quality sharpening stones on a blade—they take time, practice, and a good eye for knowing when to stop. Electric sharpeners are considered by many to be a quick and convenient way to sharpen

Are you tired of your blades constantly going dull? Working with dull, chipped, or weak blades can be extremely hazardous, whether you’re slicing and chopping food for a meal, carving wood, or creating art. However, in taking a few minutes to invest in a quality pro knife sharpener, you will be doing both you and

Thousands of people across the country collect and sell pocket knives. Whether you are keeping one as a family heirloom, as a collector’s item, or simply for everyday use, these valuable pieces of equipment need to be kept in pristine condition. You can do this by storing it properly, keeping it away from liquids and

When it comes to finding the best in knife sharpeners, many are at a loss regarding where to begin. This is where a quality knife sharpener review can be a godsend. With so many manual and electric knife sharpeners on the market today, it’s hard to tell which is the best for you. Here are

Are you unsure what to look for in an electric knife sharpener? These innovative devices are great for kitchen knives, woodworking knives, and many others. However, how do you know if carbide blades are better than diamond blades? What about accuracy and convenience? When it comes to narrowing down your search, electric knife sharpener reviews

If you use your knives frequently enough, it’s likely that they go dull quickly. In cases such as this, a hand sharpening tool, while effective, may simply take too long to get the results you need. This is where an electric knife sharpener can really come in handy. However, finding the right one can be

Sharpening knives is a difficult ordeal for many. While some knife owners will swear up and down that sharpening stones and ceramic blocks are the best way to hone and sharpen any blade, the truth of the matter is that sharpening your blades this way can be very difficult. Not only that, but many find

No one likes to risk the accidents that occur when using a dull knife. Far too many harrowing accidents have occurred thanks to cooks, artists, craftspeople, and others using knives that have gradually worn down. Not only are foods and material difficult to slice, chop, or shape, but it’s all too easy for the blade

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